Extravagant Love

I made the second one and had to make the real one not sure which version works more. Should have done a mix of the two. Let me know which one you enjoyed digital or physical?


”His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn’t love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us.” - Ephesians 5:2(MSG)

Defining MVP

MVP 1.jpg

Had to many clients start off well with a great MVP app idea. But when it comes to the prototype and designing. They go way past what's needed for the first iteration of the app or website.

Adding all kinds of bells and whistles. That are nice to haves but not necessary. Guessing what a customer or user will need and want.

But that’s just it! Until you put in the hands of real people you’re guessing. Hoping that you are making what they need but also find enjoyable enough to keep on using.

It's not a less is more way of thinking. It's a just enough to work.

Don't get hung up getting it 100% perfect to ship. Get out the door! Find out what's not working and build out on more of what is.

There is nothing more debilitating than waiting to make something perfect. Only to find out that you made a better mouse trap, but the problem you needed to solve was how to get rid of all the flies.

Create, Learn, Repeat